I can't believe it's been two years already. How fast it goes. Last year we had a HUGE Blue's Clues birthday party. This year we had an Elmo party. It was small this year because we couldn't go home. But my mom was here and we celebrated a yesterday just before she left to catch her plane home. Matthew is so into Elmo now so we made him an Elmo cake. It was that or Wall-e which is is also big into that. But Elmo was an easier cake so we went with that. I decided not to star tip the cake this year because of time. So we fluffed the iceing to make it look more furry like elmo. But I suggest not to buy whipped iceing when decorating a cake. It tends to melt and I had to fix it the next morning.
Playing with grandma All ready for the party. We handed Matt his first gift and he had a complete melt down. But it was also nap time! So I got it started for him and he came over and started to rip it open. The excitment was just to exauhsting for her. Trying to sneak a lick. Seeing who can blow out the candle first! Trying to share his lunch with his Elmo cake Playing in the water with his friends.
My mom and I decided we wanted to go to the temple in DC. Unfortunetly our car only holds four. So Wayne decided to stay home with Peyton while my mom and I took Matt. The temple is so beautiful it almost looks fake in the pictures. I wish we could have gone in. Sometime soon Wayne and I will have to go down and go in.
Matt found a deer and tried to fallow it down the hill. He ended up stepping off the edge before I could grab him and bounced down the hill. A grounds worker saw and came running over as I tried to find a way down to him. I was afraid he might have broken something it was such a big fall. But he was okay. The clouds rolled in quick so we decided it was time to leave. We didn't want to drive through downtown DC during rush hour in the rain....so much for that. We ended up in blinding rain right in the middle of DC during rush hour. We drove through the biggest puddle splashing some poor lady. We felt really bad but couldn't help but laugh. But we really did feel bad for her. Matt did really well during the car ride. It took us two hour to get up to the temple and another two to get back. It's only about a 45 minuet drive but traffic was insane the day we decided to go. But I am now getting used to driving in DC and it's not to bad, I just hate the round abouts because it take going around about 4 times before you can make it into the right lane to get off!
"The Lord would want you to be successful. He would. You are His sons and His daughters. He has the same kind of love and ambition for you that your earthly parents have. They want you to do well and you can do it."
Gordon B. Hinckley
"There is a sad tendency in our world today for persons to cut one another down. Did you ever realize that it does not take very much in the way of brainpower to make remarks that may wound another? Try the opposite of that. Try handing out compliments."
Gordon B. Hinckley
Wayne and I have been married for 9 years! We have two little munchkins Matthew who is 4, Peyton who is 2 and Mason who is 8 months. We live in Hawaii where we're stationed with the Marine Corps. Wayne has been with the Marines for 7 years and yes he plans on re-inlisting "one more time". His job is a Combat Photographer. This blog is for all our family and friends back home and all our friends who are scattered across the states. We miss you all!