Monday, November 1, 2010


So this year I decide to make both the kids costumes.....ya I think this will be the last time I do that. They werent hard...i was just lazy about getting them done and then trying to rush all
Friday night and Saturday afternoon trying to get them done in time. But there were so many Buzz and Jessie's out there that if Matt hadn't had a homemade one he would have gotten lost in
all those little Buzz lightyear's!
The kids had fun trick or treating this year. We went out with our neighbor and his two kids. Matt was very goo to say "trick or treat please" and "thank you, have a happy halloween!"
Peyton stayed in the stroller most of the time but we finally let her out to walk with the big kids. She LOVED going up to the houses and grabing handfulls of candy...she didn't like it
when mom would make her put all of it back but one piece. We started at 5:30 and were pretty much done at 7 but walked around until 8 just to tire out the kids.
Matt was so tired when we got home he fell asleep eating his spaghetti O's and was asking to go to bed. So they had fun and we had fun taking them around.
Wayne's camera has better pics on it of Matt going around to the houses so once he gets those onto the computer I will post those.

I had a sister in my ward help me sew these costumes together. I didn't like the way she cut out the first chest piece.

I didn't have room for all the buttons and patches that go on it. So I cut out a new pice.

We decided that we had enough material left over from Matt's costume to go ahead and make Peyton's shirt instead of buying one.

Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger and Vampire?!

Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl

This was the best I could do to get them both in the same picture.
Trick or Treating with there friends Landin and Gigi

Most people ran out of candy at about 6...trick or treating started at 5:30. One sign at about 6 said they were all out of there 4lbs of candy!

1 comment:

Mitch and Cortney said...

Love it!! What a great idea!