Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New airline regulation?!

So I flew home with the kids for the month of July. I've also been trying to get Matt to let the barber buzz his head since he started getting his hair cut at 18 months...ya not happening. He'd just scream and cry and kick and it would take me standing up holding him just to be able to get his hair cut with scissors! Just think how fun the dentist is going to be!!
Anyway he was so excited to be going on an airplane to go see grandpa. So Wayne and I told him it was a rule that you HAD to have a fresh haircut to be able to get on the plane. He totally bought into it and so I took him to get his hair buzzed. He did so well. I told him it will tickle your head a neck a little bit but that's it...and the lady did a little bit on my neck (good thing I have short hair) first so he could see it wouldn't hurt. He cried a little bit at the beginning but once the buzzer touched his head he just laughed the whole time. So the only problem we had was trying not to tickle him because he would jump and squirm.

Before the cut
And the after, such a handsome boy.

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