Monday, May 10, 2010

MSgt Tom Bartlett Awards Ophoto Contest

These are the photos Wayne submitted to win 3rd place for the MSgt Tom Bartlett Award photo contest! He did an awesome job. Especially since this was nation wide for the Marine Corps! When you think about it...all he can really photograph up here are the officers in training....all the other Marines get pictures of Iraq, Afghanistan and all sorts of other places. So I'm very proud of him.

We went to the awards ceremony and wow did we feel out of place, drinking our Pepsi in wine glasses...I think we were the only two not drinking. It was fun and very different, we were the youngest people there. Most every one but two others beside us were in there late 40's and older.
The ceremony was at the Marine Corps Museum and since I haven't been there yet we walked through it...not so fun to do in heels! We had appetizers which included shrimp wrapped in bacon, I made Wayne eat mine. There was beef wellington which I must say is very good, I think Wayne and I each had three. And then there was some..I think zucchini with cheese and tomato's...we didn't even try that one! This was a very...wealthy event. He had friends who wanted to come to support him but 87 dollars a plate was a bit to much for us enlisted. Luckily Wayne and I were guest's and didn't have to pay. The dinner was delicious, it was steak and some kind of fish..I'm not a fish person so I didn't eat that. For dessert is was like a whipped mouse in the shape of a pyramid with strawberries and blueberry on the yummy!
We sat a table with a lady who when she realized we were Mormon was just loving us and telling us how much she admired Mormon's and how much she loved us! Then there was a lady behind us who I over hear talking about Mormon's and how weird they are and "if your not one of them they won't talk to you." So you know I just had to go and introduce my self and that I'm Mormon and I love to talking to people!


Matt and Jenni said...

You go girl! haha, you tell that lady.
Those pictures that Wayne took are so awesome! I can see why he placed so high in that contest. Way to go!

Matt and Jenni said...
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