Thursday, May 6, 2010

1 Year Old Already!!!

Thanks Chris for frosting the cake it really did look great!

I can't believe Peyton is already a year. This year has gone by so fast, faster than Matt's first year. Of course that could be that I had two little ones to chase after...and when Peyton was 3 months and Matt had just turned two Wayne had to go to combat photography school so I was on my own for three months...except the weekends Wayne was able to come home most the time.
Peyton is such a fun loving little girl. Right now she is trying to climb into the toy box and Matt is saying "you can do it, good job baby girl". She doesn't talk much, but when she does she talks up a storm. She loves to growl and LOVES if you growl back at her. Now she does this thing where she growls then hums after each growl, it's the cutest thing and I really need to get it on tape.
It's fun to see the difference between the two kids. For example Matt will talk your ear off...Peyton is really quite. Matt will take 3-6 baths a day Peyton only want to be in the tub for 3-6 second! Matt is always running around acting crazy and Buzz lightyearing off the couch..Peyton just wants to sit on my lap and cuddle or read books.
Anyway I could go on and on but I won't. For Peyton's Birthday we wanted to go home and celebrate with family. Because Peyton and Wayne share there birthdays and my dads is the day before. So we wanted to do all three plus Matt and have one huge party. But because of my car accident we couldn't afford that. Oh well such is life sometimes.
So I made zebra cupcakes for playgroup and we headed to the park. Only two other people showed up for playgroup that day. So I had all these cupcakes and juice and only 5 other kids where there.
We had a BBQ with friends on there birthday. I made a cake but then took my friend to Babies R Us to stock her up on preggie pops (hope you feel better soon) and left her husband to frost Wayne's cake! Chris it turned out great thanks!!

Trying to figure out how I wanted to do the zebra stripes

Matt was being my helper.

First time in a swing...she doesn't seem to like swings.

exploring the park.

We locked all the kids in the tennis court so they could run around, they all thought that was great!

When I got the cakes out of the car one had melted!

Being sung to. She didn't care she just wanted a cupcake!

She decided it would be easier to eat if she just dump it out in Holly's hands.

He can't contain his excitement if you can't tell ;)

New board shorts so he can take the kids swimming!

oh yes and I painted her toe's for the first cute!

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