Monday, March 1, 2010

Our Trip home

Unfortunately I didn't take to many pictures of our trip home. But here are a few.
We had fun but two weeks sure goes by way to fast! This trip was a surprise to our familys only it wasn't to much of a surprise for mine since my dad accidentally told my brother Chris, and then told my brother Nathan. But nobody told my mom so that was good. She kept asking when we would be able to some home and I just kept telling her I wasn't sure maybe April for Peytons first b-day. I told her it just depends on how many days leave Wayne has. We had bought our tickets in November and I had to keep it a secret from my mom which was hard and i almost gave it away a few time! She kept asking when we were going to go see Avatar because it was such a good movie and we needed to see it in theaters. A few days before we flew home she asked me if we had seen it yet and I said no but we are definitely planning on seeing in this weekend....little did she know we meant with her ;)
So we flew home and it was a VERY long 9 hours of travel time with two stops and NO plane changes! With two little kids that makes it hard because when we landed Matt always thought we would be getting off and would get mad because we wouldn't let him out of his seat. But we finally made it with only a couple little tantrums.
Then we headed to my moms school to surprise her. That was fun! We sent Matt in with my dad and Nathan while we waited with Peyton in the hall. My dad walked in with Matt and said I found this little boy wandering the hall do you know who it is? Well my mom was having parent teacher conference with one of her students and the mom offered to take him to the office. My dad said no that's ok and asked again if my mom knew who it was. She said am i supposed to know who this is? Because he looked like Matt but it couldn't be because we live in VA and arent comming out until April. So Wayne and I walked in and she was SO surprised and was crying a little, she was so glad to see us all. It was a great surprise.

Matt and his cousin Taryn

Playing with some trains in the hall during Relief Society, because it's funner to play in the hall than to sit on the floor and play with them in Relief Society?!

Another reason we couldn't stay in Relief Society...Peyton's loud squealing.

Her fish face impression, cute huh!

Smelling all the seasoning in grandma Hansen's cabinet. He smelled every bottle and there were a LOT!

The last time he was on this bridge a year ago, he had to crawl up one side and climb down the other.

"Hey mommom, look it's Nemo Fish!!"

Matt thought the cow looked cool until my mom took him up to "milk" it then he didn't want anything to do with it.

Playing the indian drums. She was loving that.

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