Monday, September 12, 2011

New Phone

So a couple months back Peyton thought she would give my phone a bubble bath!
Why was it where she could reach you ask? Well I didn't think she could reach so far back on the bathroom counter.
I had it to where I thought it was safe, I had some music going for her to listen to while she was in the tub. I had Matt in the other bathroom taking a shower. So while I ran back to check on Matt and get him his towel she had hoped out and gotten the phone and got back in the tub and submerged my iPhone! This was all done in a matter or 60 seconds! I ran Matt his towel and ran right back!
Well luckily Wayne and I were eligible for an upgrade so we went and got the new samsung fuse 4G, I think the commercial is pretty funny.
So now my daughter owns her very own iphone at just the age of 2yrs! I don't think it could ever make a phone call anymore but the water eventually dried out and it still works to listen to music play games and watch movies...or hours of Shawn The Sheep on Netflix!

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