Yes she is on a bottle and has been for awhile now. So for those of you who think bottle feeding is just a horrid thing to do to your child well poo poo on you! It's not like I didn't try breast feeding, but when your baby eats like a Parana well lets just say after a few months I just couldn't take it. The lactation consultant even suggested going to pump while I could and switch her to a bottle because at the time all I was pumping was pretty much mostly blood. Like I said she's a Parana! So I switched her and pumped for a long time so she could get the good stuff!
Also for those people who say I won't bond with my baby as well as I would if I breast feed that a load of crap! I bottle feed Matt and I breast feed Peyton and the bonding experience is just the same. But when you bottle feed dad gets to have that bonding time as well...and he gets to get up at night also!
It has taken so long to find a bottle that she will take. We have tried the Playtex Vent Air, Dr Browns Playtex drop ins and the Nuk nipples with the Dr browns. She would only take the nipples from the hospital. Finally she would tolerate the Playtex drop in but still had a hard time. Well someone at church said to try the MAM's bottles. She had just switched her baby to a bottle as well. So we tried them and she took to them right away. Now she won't take ANY other bottle! She gets SO mad when I try to give her one of the drop in bottles. So we switched her binky's to te MAM's as well. She will actually take a binky now which is very nice!
The ones from the hospital, which are meant for one time use.
A few of the bottles and binky's we tried.
Finally a bottle and binky she will take!
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