Sunday, June 12, 2011

He's Here!!!

Baby Mason Jacob Hansen has arrived....FINALLY!

Wow, my babies just have to be forced out into the world.
Mason arrived June 6, 2011 7:53 AM weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz 19 3/4 inch long.

Baby Mason was due May 30th and on the 22 of May I was playing with Peyton on the floor when my back started to hurt. I finally decided I better get up and walk around, that it was hurting from sitting on the floor. WOW I went from a pain level of a 1 to an 8 in a matter of seconds. Contractions started and got stronger fast. I decided to jump in the shower to see if it would go away but it only got worse. At first I didn't know it was contractions it was a never ending pain. After an hour of walking around the house and trying to lay down we decided to head to the hospital....yeah as soon as we got there they stoped!! We went in anyway and they said I was really dehydrated. So they hooked me up to an IV and monitored my contractions for two hours. The DR came back in and said if I made progress (one more cm) then she could admit me. She looked at my contractions and said they looked beautiful checked me and said to go home....I was SO MAD!!
So military policy...they can't induce until a week after your due date! Well we made it through that EXTRA LONG week and were getting ready for the hospital Sunday night when I got a voicemail from a Dr at the Hospital. I was thinking they were going to tell me they needed to change my date. So I called back and they said they wanted to know if I could come in now. I guess they were getting a few people in and wanted me to come in to make sure I had a room and didn't have to come in a different day.
So we called our relief society president to see if she knew someone that could come sleep at the house since our baby sitter was set up for the next day. So we had a girl come stay the night but she had to go to work around 7am, so the relief society President came in the morning got the kids ready and took them to there sitter. I'm so thankful to all you guys that took care of the kids that morning.
So we went to the hospital and they started my induction a little after midnight. They kept coming in and turning up the pitocin every hour or so but my contractions weren't getting any stronger. So finally they came and really turned it up! Wow contractions kicked in so I called for an epidural. Woulnd't ya know it I had to wait because someone had to go in for a c-section. So after a very LONG hour I finally got my epidural. Then the nurses came in and were looking at Mason's heart rate on the charts. He was stressing a bit and they were trying to decide what the cut off was for to low of a heart rate. They decided it was 120 and Mason was between 113-115 so they put me on oxygen. The Dr came in to check on us but still couldn't break my hour later it broke on it's own...boy that was weird. Anyway an hour after my water broke we had gone from a 4 to a 9! I have had HORRIBLE pains in my right hip this pregnancy and the epidural was working on everything but my hip pain. They said I just needed more meds and gave me a button. I HATED my epidural this time. It worked WAY to well and I couldn't barely move my toes. I didn't like the way the meds felt cold going in and know i was going to get a lot more numb when I was already overly numb. They finally talked me in to pushing the button again...after I told them about 5 times that I thought it was time because the baby was starting to push on my ribs which is exactly what my daughter did when she was ready. They said oh no your only a 9 we will check you again in an hour! Finally after LOTS of complaining to the nurse she finally thought it might be a good idea to try pushing just to see if the baby was ready! Really? What a unique idea...moron! I was so mad at her. Anyway it was time and he was born a few minuets later.
Oh but don't let me forget to mention with my other two babies I had one nurse and the Dr there for the birth. This time we had 3 Dr's and about 6-8 nurses. They were a bit worried about the way the baby's hart rate kept dropping. But really did we need so many nurses, half of them were just standing there staring....yeah it's bad enough to have the Dr there let alone a whole crowd! One Dr got there just in time, he ran in throwing his jacket down on the floor.
But everything turned out fine and Mason is a happy healthy baby.

Ready to go home, luckily this time I only had to spend one night in the hospital.

One of the only times we've really seen he's eyes. This kid sleeps 24/7 and even if he is awake he usually keeps his eyes closed.


Ginger said...

He's SO cute Cameron! Congratulations! Glad everything turned out fine and he's finally here. P.S. I love his name:)

Britney Boyce said...

He's adorable! I think he looks a little bit like Matt. Do their baby pictures look alike?

Matt and Jenni said...

haha, I love his little winky eyes! What a freakin sweetie! Sometimes those nurses are morons...luckily you trusted yourself and didn't quit bugging her. Glad you're both doing great!