Thursday, December 31, 2009


The first three pictures are from our first little snow storm we got. Matt was so excited when he saw that it was snowing. He said "look mom it's raining outside!" I told him it was called snow and that it's snowing outside. He then said "Yes that's it. It's snowballing outside!" I laughed it was so cute.. So now when it snows he says it's snowballing.

The begining of our The Big Storm that Slammed the East Coast. We got over 26 inches of snow. We were lucky we didn't lose power. We have a emergency heating system in our unit so we still would have had heat. Matt really wanted to go play in all the snow but he had a cold and so we wouldn't let him. But he had just as much fun watching it snow. We had a great snow day, we made bacon, eggs, waffles and had hot cocoa for breakfast. Matt and Wayne played with trains and we watched movies all day.
Church was cancelled and then Wayne had Monday off and didn't have to go into work until 10 am on Tuesday. Then he got out early on Christmas Eve so he had a very short work week.

Friday night. It started snowing around 7pm

Sunday morning after it finally stopped snowing!

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