Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Some more of Mason

So Mason weighed 7lbs 8oz when he was born. Two days later for his first check up he weighed exactly 7lbs, it was SO hard to get him to eat for more than 5 seconds. I nurse him and give him formula. So weather he was nursing or bottle feeding he would never eat for more than 5 second before falling asleep. So it took about a week and a half to gain 6oz back. He is finally eating for a longer period of time now but still only drink about 2 oz at a time.
He sleeps most of the day and is up every two hours to nurse at night. We don't see much of his eyes, he keeps them closed most of the time. Sometimes he will slightly open one eye when he is awake. The past couple of days we've seen his eyes a bit more. Looks like they could end up being blue, but ya never know.
Mason is a VERY loud sleeper, he grunts and groans very loudly at night waking Wayne and me and i'm a heavy sleeper! And he does this snoring noise...but it's not snoring I guess because he makes the noise when he is breathing out not in. But it's cute...during the day, not 2 in the morning and going on 20 minuets.
The kids are adjusting well to the baby. Matt loves his "cute" little "bother" (he watches to much Olivia) Someone asked Matt if they could take Mason home with them and he got really mad.
Peyton has her days where she likes him but most days she just ignores him. She hates when I nurse him and will pull on his head. She thinks his belly button is broken and or gross and will shush him whenever he makes a noise. She will touch his head and fingers and will sometimes give him kisses.

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